Head over to Facebook and get a coupon for $1/2 Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta!
“Like” their page and grab this - limited quantity coupon.
Ronzoni Smart Taste occasionally goes on sale for around $1.00!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Savin' for Sukkot part 2
It didn't take me long to decide to take her to the produce department at our local grocery store to see what she will choose as her very own Lulav and Etrog. I was actually very impressed that she picked up a lemon right away and said "Here is the Etrog, now I need a Lulav...". She look around and tried a couple of different vegetables to be her Lulav. First she picked up a bunch of scallions but it was too flimsy. Then she picked up some celery but it was too tall and straight. Her last choice was a Leek! It was perfect, not too stiff and not too flimsy! She said "Hey mommy, I found my perfect Lulav! I am all set for Sukkot!"
It really was perfect and ever since then I have been buying her a Leek and a Lemon for Sukkot, for her to have her very own Lulav and Etrog set!
Chag Samech!
*Note: An Etrog is actually not a lemon but rather a Citron, although they can look alike. The Lulav is a Palm Tree branch.
Sukkot is Jewish Holiday that begins at sun-down on Sunday September 30 and ends a week later on October 9th. Throughout that time posts will be sporadic being that my family and I will be celebrating the Holiday!
See Savin' for Sukkot Part 1 here!
*HOT* 50% off Already Reduced Prices at Forever 21
Forever 21 has 50% Off Already Reduced Prices through 9/30/12 with promo code FALLFIFTY.
Prices as low as: Dresses $3+, Tops $2+, Sweaters $4.50+, Outerwear $4+, Bottoms $2.50+, Shoes $3.50+, Accessories $1+ and MORE!
Shipping starts at $5.95, or is free on orders over $50.
Thanks AJ and Slick Deals
Prices as low as: Dresses $3+, Tops $2+, Sweaters $4.50+, Outerwear $4+, Bottoms $2.50+, Shoes $3.50+, Accessories $1+ and MORE!
Shipping starts at $5.95, or is free on orders over $50.
Thanks AJ and Slick Deals
Free Schick Razor at CVS
Hurry, print this new $4.00 off Schick Quattro for Women Razor or Refill coupon right away!
This coming week 9/30/12 - 10/6/12 at CVS there will be a deal
Get $4 Extra Bucks when the purchase of ONE Schick Intuition or Quattro for men or women!
The retail price of the Schick Quattro for Women is $7.99!
Buy (1) Schick Quattro For Women $7.99
Use $4.00 off Schick Quattro for Women Razor or Refill
Pay $3.99
Use $4.00 off Schick Quattro for Women Razor or Refill
Pay $3.99
Get Bacl $4 Extra Bucks
Final Price: FREE!!! Limit 1 per household
FREE 2 year Subscription to American Photo Magazine!
Click here to get your FREE 2 year Subscription to AMERICAN PHOTO Magazine from
Rewards Country. Find out about what's new in the world of art and
photography with this subscription. You will need to complete the survey
and you will get
your first issue within a couple of weeks. There is no credit card or
payment required. You will not receive a bill.
You can also subscribe to get a FREE 3 year subscription to Town & Country Magazine here, or a Free 1 year subscription to Martha Stewart Living Magazine that are still available.
You can also subscribe to get a FREE 3 year subscription to Town & Country Magazine here, or a Free 1 year subscription to Martha Stewart Living Magazine that are still available.
High Value Razor and Refill coupons
Hurry on over and grab this high value coupon for $6 off for 1 package of Schick Hydro Silk Refills.
And this BOGO FREE Schick Disposable Razors (up to $10.50 Value) coupon.
These coupons are high in value and will not be around long. Print them quickly, I will look for the best deal to use them with and post something as soon as I can!
FREE Coffee TODAY at 7-Eleven 6am-10am!
Today, National Coffee Day, September 28th, stop into 7-Eleven for a free cup of coffee.
You can stop in any time between 6 am and 10 am for your free Coffee.
Head over here for more information about free 7 Eleven Coffee on September 28th.
You can stop in any time between 6 am and 10 am for your free Coffee.
Head over here for more information about free 7 Eleven Coffee on September 28th.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
OMG! Kosher Gourmet Bakery Cookies at Rite Aid
As I was strolling around my local (Cleveland area) Rite Aid, I spotted a beautiful box of 2lbs of bakery cookies. I was in utter shock when I noticed that it was clearly marked with a few Kosher signs. I got really excited to find a good way to spend my extra +Up Rewards that were expiring before the Holiday of Sukkot. They are priced at $7.99 and with my 20% discount they rang up as $6.39 per 2lb package. I would say this is an awesome price for what you are getting. It looks beautiful and would make a great gift. They are Scotto's Kosher Bakery Cookies based out of Brooklyn, NY and they are marked with a Pas Yisroel along with the Kosher Pareve signs pictured.
Rite Aid is getting them in as their X-mas Holiday Cookies which ironically worked out for me for the Jewish Holiday of Sukkot. I bought a few boxes to give out to some of the people who are hosting us for a Sukkot meal!
I spoke to the district manager and he said, being that they are stocking the stores with these cookies for the holiday season, you might be able to find them in different area stores throughout the upcoming holiday season. He also said they are probably only going to stock the stores once with these cookies which would probably be around 24 packages per store (depending on the size of the store). You will be able to find them in your local store in the seasonal section. This is possibly available nationwide! I would suggest calling your local Rite Aid before you run out to see if they have any in stock.
Savin' for Sukkot part 1
As you all might know, Jewish Holidays can be a big expense on our families. My husband calls it the "Jewish Tax". This coming week is the Jewish Holiday of Sukkot*. Building (or should I say, buying a ready to build) Sukkah for a family can easily cost hundreds of dollars even close to a thousand dollars, which not all of us can afford. Especially not my husband and I with our frugal minds. So this year we decided to think out of the box and we used what we could to build a PERFECT SUKKAH FOR OUR FAMILY FOR UNDER $10.
Both my husband and I and two other friends signed up for the $10 off of $10 at Lowe's (which is unfortunately no longer available) equaling $40 in FREE cash at Lowe's Home Improvement. That money (coupons) covered most of the cost of the 20 assorted wood studs which made the frame of our Sukkah, a bundle of lath slats which is being used as our schach on top of our Sukkah, and the box of nails he used to put the whole thing together.
6 - 2"x4"x96" wood studs FOR $2.961.48 (happened to find it 50% off) each. $8.88
8 - 2"x4"x84" wood studs FOR $ 2.85 each. $22.80
6 - 2"x3"x96" wood studs FOR $2.171.09 (happened to find it 50% off too!) each. $6.54
1 - lath bundle of wood slats FOR $12.97.
1 - Tarps - FOR $1
1 - box of nails FOR $7.47
MINUS $40 FREE CASH at Lowe's
TOTAL = $6.69We took a tarp that we bought at a yard sale for $1 this summer and nailed it around the frame to make walls. Our next step was to find some extra evergreen and cedar branches that were laying around (we found some branches that were perfect waiting to be picked up for garbage by a house down the street) to put on the top to add to the wooden slats to complete the schach and make our Sukkah kosher. It came out awesome!
One very important thing that was needed, to make a Sukkah on a budget was a husband who is willing to take the time and energy to work on the Sukkah, which my dear husband did with such passion and excitement. I tried, but I wasn't exactly going to help very much being that I am, thank G-d, 8 months pregnant with my second child, but he did an awesome job all by himself! It took him a few tries and about 2 days of full dedication and "walah!" He did it! We have an awesome Sukkah that was built with lots of love, from scratch, by my husband and the grand total cost was less than $10.
The very last thing we need to do is add some decorations (which my daughter is very excited about) and enjoy our little Sukkah for the holiday of Sukkot!
Chag Sameach To All!
*Note: Sukkot is Jewish Holiday that begins at sun-down on Sunday September 30 and ends a week later on October 9th. Throughout that time posts will be sporadic being that my family and I will be celebrating the Holiday!
Money Making Goodnites Disposable Bed Mats
You can find Goodnites Bed Mats (trial packs) for $1.47 at Walmart, and with this $2 Goodnites coupon it becomes a money maker! Look for the bed mats throughout the kids and baby area at Walmart.
GoodNites Bed Mat Trial Pack are priced at $1.47 at Walmart
Use $2/1 GoodNites Bed Mats coupon
Final Price: FREE + money-maker!
Use $2/1 GoodNites Bed Mats coupon
Final Price: FREE + money-maker!
Aldi Produce Picks of the week 9/26-10/2
It is an awesome week at Aldi:
10lb bag Russet Potatoes - $1.49 This is the best price in town on potatoes and the lowest I have ever seen it at Aldi. Run, It's a good deal!
Acorn Squash (locally grown) - $.59 EACH! Acorn Squash is usually sold by the pound here they are being sold as "each"!!! This is an absolutely awesome price!
Butternut Squash (locally grown) - $.59 EACH! Same goes for this, Butternut Squash is usually sold by the pound and $.59 per lb would be a great price but Aldi sells them as each!!! This is an absolutely awesome price - I am running to Aldi this week for this! (Butternut Squash is priced at Heinen's for $.99lb and at Giant Eagle for $1.99lb - each one can easily be 2-3lbs so understand what a savings it is to buy your butternut Squash at Aldi this week) Hope they have enough for all of us!!! :)
Tomatoes on the Vine - $.59per lb. Awesome Price!
Dole Bananas - $.33per lb another awesome price! I still have one last $1 off of 3lb of Dole Bananas Coupon (exp 9/30/12) that was available to print a little while ago - I will take this ad and price match it at Walmart where they carry the 3lb bag of Dole Bananas like I did here only this time the price is not as low as last time for $.29lb. My 3lb of bananas at $.33lb will be $.99. I will use my coupon and get 3lb of bananas for FREE again!
And last but not least Red Grapes - $.99per lb. (sold in 2lb pkg for $1.98) this is a great price for grapes and has been going on and off on sale for this price at Aldi.
To find other Aldi deals of the week check out their weekly ad.
10lb bag Russet Potatoes - $1.49 This is the best price in town on potatoes and the lowest I have ever seen it at Aldi. Run, It's a good deal!
Acorn Squash (locally grown) - $.59 EACH! Acorn Squash is usually sold by the pound here they are being sold as "each"!!! This is an absolutely awesome price!
Butternut Squash (locally grown) - $.59 EACH! Same goes for this, Butternut Squash is usually sold by the pound and $.59 per lb would be a great price but Aldi sells them as each!!! This is an absolutely awesome price - I am running to Aldi this week for this! (Butternut Squash is priced at Heinen's for $.99lb and at Giant Eagle for $1.99lb - each one can easily be 2-3lbs so understand what a savings it is to buy your butternut Squash at Aldi this week) Hope they have enough for all of us!!! :)
Tomatoes on the Vine - $.59per lb. Awesome Price!
Dole Bananas - $.33per lb another awesome price! I still have one last $1 off of 3lb of Dole Bananas Coupon (exp 9/30/12) that was available to print a little while ago - I will take this ad and price match it at Walmart where they carry the 3lb bag of Dole Bananas like I did here only this time the price is not as low as last time for $.29lb. My 3lb of bananas at $.33lb will be $.99. I will use my coupon and get 3lb of bananas for FREE again!
And last but not least Red Grapes - $.99per lb. (sold in 2lb pkg for $1.98) this is a great price for grapes and has been going on and off on sale for this price at Aldi.
To find other Aldi deals of the week check out their weekly ad.
Libman Wonder Mop ONLY $3.99 or Possible Money Makert with NO COUPONS NEEDED!

Get this deal at Rite Aid. Hurry, these will go FAST!
Libman Wonder Mop – $13.99 Regular Price
Spend $10.00, Receive $5.00 +Up Reward through 9/29 (limit 2)
Buy 1, Receive $5.00 +Up Reward through 10/2 unadvertised monthly deal (limit 2)
Spend $13.99, Receive weekly $5.00 +Up Reward and monthly $5.00 +Up Reward
= $3.99
This might become a Money Maker if you find a mop with a $5 mail-in-rebate sticker on it. I am not sure if this mop qualifies as a "HARDWOOD FLOOR CLEANING SYSTEM" but if you find it with a sticker it easily becomes a money maker.
If you have a 10% or 20% Wellness discount with your Wellness Card you would be paying as low as $11.20 and get back a total of $10+Up Reward back. Your Libman Wonder Mop will then becomes $1.20 with no coupons needed or and easy money maker if the mail-in-rebate qualifies!
Thanks, The krazy coupon lady!
UPDATE: Free Sample of Mediterranean Snacks
UPDATE: There is a 2nd round of Free Sample giveaway set to go live sometime Today, Thursday 9/27 morning EST! There will be a limited number of samples available, so please check out the Free Samples tab to pre-register and avoid delays when it starts.
Mediterranean Snacks will be launching a free product campaign starting today, Wednesday 09/19 with a limited stock to give away. Act now and register here (you will need to like them on facebook first and then look for the sign up button) to get notified as soon as the campaign starts!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Free Sample of Finish Quantum Dishwasher Detergent
Get a Free Sample of Finish Quantum Dishwasher Detergent.
UPDATE: Money Making Gas-X
This deal also includes Tums, Ex-Lax or Gas-X
Buy1 at $4.99 get back $2 +Up Rewards (limit 2)
here are some more coupons available for this deal!
UPDATE: Coupon is no longer available. :(
This deal also includes Tums, Ex-Lax or Gas-X
Buy1 at $4.99 get back $2 +Up Rewards (limit 2)
here are some more coupons available for this deal!
Use $2/1 Gas-X Product (Rite Aid Video Value from September if you printed it when it was first posted)
and /or use $2/1 Gas-X October Rite Aid Video Value Coupon
And use $1.25/1 Gas-X Product, exp. 10/13/12 (found in the Smart Source 07/15/12 insert)
Or use $1/1 Gas-X Thin Strips, Soft Gels, or Chewables Printable
And use $1.25/1 Gas-X Product, exp. 10/13/12 (found in the Smart Source 07/15/12 insert)
Or use $1/1 Gas-X Thin Strips, Soft Gels, or Chewables Printable
Or if you prefer to purchase the Tums:
Or use $1/1 Tums Printable
Or use $1/1 Tums Product, exp. 10/26/12 (found in the Red Plum 08/26/12 Regional insert)
Or use $1/1 Tums Freshers, exp. 10/26/12 (found in the Red Plum 08/26/12 Regional insert)
Or use $1/1 Tums Freshers, exp. 10/26/12 (found in the Red Plum 08/26/12 Regional insert)
You can use this coupon to get FREE Gas-X at Walmart where there are Gas-X products priced as low as $1.98
or you can wait for the week of 9/30/12 to use it at Rite Aid where you can score this awesome deal:
Gas-X (18-20ct) – $4.99
get $2 Up Reward (limit 2)
use $2/1 Gas-X Product (RA Video Values, Sept)
Total is
FREE Boy Short Panty at Fredrick’s of Hollywood
Fredrick’s of Hollywood is offering a FREE pair of Boy Shorts on their Facebook page! No purchase necessary. Limit one per customer. Colors and availability will vary by store. While Supplies last.
Find a Frederick’s of Hollywood store near you. Unfortunately, there isn't one in my area.
Thanks Mojo Savings
Free Multipurpose Paper at Staples
2 FREE Staples 8.5" x 11" Multipurpose Paper ream after easy rebate and with this coupon.
Regular price $6.99 - $3 easy rebate - $3.99 with this coupon = FREE
Limit two per customer. Plus tax where applicable.
Limit two per customer. Plus tax where applicable.
FREE Ampro Pro Styl Gel from Rite Aid - NO COUPONS NEEDED!
There is a monthly unadvertised +Up Reward deal that is good through 10/2/11 with NO COUPONS NEEDED!
Buy 2 Ampro Pro Styl Gel get $4.00 in +Up Rewards. The 6oz ones are priced between $1.89- $1.99 each. (Not all stores carry the 6oz.)
Buy (2) Ampro Pro Styl Hair Gel for as low was $1.89
Pay $3.78 for 2
Get back $4.00 +Up Rewards when you buy 2
Total: FREE + money maker!
There is a limit of 3 per household (meaning you can buy 6 and get (3) $4 +Up Rewards)
If you have a 10% or 20% Wellness discount with your Wellness Card you would be paying as low as $1.51 for each ($3.02 for 2 ) and get back $4 +Up Reward back. It becomes an awesome money maker for you with no coupons needed!
Thanks For the Mammas
Deal on Newman's Own Pasta Sauce
I am sorry, I forgot to mention all week that I was so happy to see the Newman's Own Pasta Sauce is on sale this week at Giant Eagle for 2 for $4 though Wednesday 9/26/12.
Making it $1 each after using the $.50 coupon I mentioned here in the 9/16/12 Red Plum that will double to $1.
Monday, September 24, 2012
FREE Duck Brand Packaging Tape at Walmart!
There is a new Duck Brand Tape coupon on SmartSource that will make it free at Walmart!
$1.00 On ANY Duck® Brand Packaging Tape
This is a great item to have around the house! Print it quickly, I am not sure how long the coupon will last.
50yd. Duck Brand Packaging Tape is priced at $1.00 at Walmart
Use the $1.00 On ANY Duck® Brand Packaging Tape= Free
Thanks, MomsbyHeart
Free CofFREE at 7-Eleven

You can stop in any time between 6 am and 10 am for your free Coffee.
Head over here for more information about free 7 Eleven Coffee on September 28th.
Hurry! UGG Look-a-likes LAMO Sheepskin Boots for only $7.99
UGG look-a-likes LAMO Sheepskin Boots are on sale at Kohl's online for only $7.99 with FREE shipping. The regular price for the boots are $125.00. Also available are Apres and Fringe boots.
The sale price is $9.99.
Use PROMOCODE: GIFT20 to take 20% off your order
USE PROMOCODE: FREE2SHIP to get free shipping.
Your total will be 7.99+tax! Amazing!
Apres Women's Boots
LAMO Women's Sheepskin Boots
Apres by LAMO Joie Fringed Midcalf Boots
*The availability and stock for these items seems to be going in and out so check frequently until you are able to purchase.
Thanks Slickdeals!
The sale price is $9.99.
Use PROMOCODE: GIFT20 to take 20% off your order
USE PROMOCODE: FREE2SHIP to get free shipping.
Your total will be 7.99+tax! Amazing!
Apres Women's Boots
LAMO Women's Sheepskin Boots
Apres by LAMO Joie Fringed Midcalf Boots
*The availability and stock for these items seems to be going in and out so check frequently until you are able to purchase.
Thanks Slickdeals!
Money Making Stayfree Maxi Pads at Rite Aid 9/23/12 -9/29/12
Select Feminine Care Products, 2/$4Get $1 +UP Reward when you buy 2 (Limit 2)
Use $2/1 Stayfree Product, exp. 10/15/12 found in the Smart Source 08/26/12 insert
or use $1/1 Stayfree Product printable
Final Price: FREE + Money Maker if you have the $2/1 coupon
Use $2/1 Stayfree Product, exp. 10/15/12 found in the Smart Source 08/26/12 insert
or use $1/1 Stayfree Product printable
Final Price: FREE + Money Maker if you have the $2/1 coupon
Money Maker at Rite Aid 9/23/12-9/29/12
Bayer Contour Next EZ Blood Glucose Monitoring System, $9.99Get $5 +Up Reward (Limit 1)
Use $5/1 Bayer Contour Meter printable
and use $10/1 Contour Next EZ Blood Glucose Monitoring System found in the Rite Aid Flu Shot Coupon Book. (You do not have to get the flu shot to receive the coupon book, you can simply request the coupon book at the pharmacy.)
Final Price: FREE + $10 Money Maker (make sure you are buying other things because you will have $5 overage after both coupons - you can always add these free items to your transaction.)
Free at Rite Aid No Coupons Needed 9/23/12 - 9/29/12
Select Oral Care Products, $2.99
Get $2.99 +Up Reward (Limit 2)
You can use $0.50/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel, exp. 9/30/12 from the P&G 08/26/12 insertOr use $0.50/1 Oral-B Pulsar, 3D White, Pro Health, Complete or Indicator, exp. 9/30/12 from the P&G 08/26/12 insert
Final Price: $0.50 MONEYMAKER
If you don't have any coupons it is still FREE!
Rite Aid Hand Sanitizer (8 oz.), $1
Get $1 +Up Reward (Limit 4)
Final Price: FREESunday, September 23, 2012
UPDATE: LAST DAY! FREE Birthday Card Shipped from Cardstore!

You can personalize the card of your choice, include pictures, and add your very own signature, all for FREE.
Choose and create your card and use coupon code CCL2673 at checkout now!
Money Maker Gillette Venus Razor at CVS!
This week you get $5 ECB at CVS when you purchase any Gillette Razor.
Gillette Venus Razor 1ct- as low as $6.99
Use $4/1 Venus Refillable Razor, exp. 9/30/12 from the Red Plum 08/12/12 insert
or $3/1 Venus Razor, Refill, Disposables or Daily Disposable, exp. 9/30/12 from the P&G 08/26/12 insert
= As low as $2.99, Get $5 Back in Extra Bucks
Making it a Money Maker!!! :)
FREE Dimetapp or Advil Congestion Relief at CVS

Dimetapp Children’s 4 oz. or Advil congestion relief 10 ct – $4.99
Today only - Sunday, 9/23/12 Costo Kosher Meat Clearance
There is a large amount of Kosher meat and chicken at Costco, off of Mayfield Road, that needs to be sold by today Check out Local Jewish News Post for more details!
FREE Air Wick With High Value Coupon!
I was told that Dollar Tree might have them for just $1 so that means you could get 2 for FREE with this HOT coupon!
Sunday 9/23/12 Coupon Insert
There is only ONE coupon insert in this week's Sunday paper or weekend addition of the WSJ.
You will only receive a Smart Source coupon insert. There will be No Red Plum Coupon inset (So if you get your Red Plum insert on Tuesday or Wednesday the week before it comes out - Don't worry if you didn't find it this weeks - there wasn't any.)
There are some good coupons in the Smart Source insert this week.
There is a $1 off of 1 box of Barilla Pasta and 1 jar of Barilla Sauce that you can use with the $.88 Barilla Pasta at Giant Eagle this week.
You will only receive a Smart Source coupon insert. There will be No Red Plum Coupon inset (So if you get your Red Plum insert on Tuesday or Wednesday the week before it comes out - Don't worry if you didn't find it this weeks - there wasn't any.)
There are some good coupons in the Smart Source insert this week.
There is a $1 off of 1 box of Barilla Pasta and 1 jar of Barilla Sauce that you can use with the $.88 Barilla Pasta at Giant Eagle this week.
FREE Munchkin Sippy Cup 2 Pack at Noon (EST) 9/21 through 9/25.
FREE Munchkin Click Lock Sippy Cup 2-Pack if you are one of the first 100 people to register at Noon (EST) each day between Friday (9/21) and Tuesday (9/25) .
“Beginning September 21st, 2012 and continuing for 5 days, the first 100 people to register at noon each day will WIN a Click Lock Cup 2 pack, up to a $9.99 value!”Thanks Mojo Savings
FREE at CVS 9/23/12- 9/29/12
This week you can get both of these items free after Extra Bucks!
Get Back: $5.79 Extra Bucks (limit 1)
= FREE!!
Thermacare Lower Back and Hip Heat Wrap 1ct. – $3.79
Get Back: $3.79 Extra Bucks (limit 1)
= FREE!!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Free Bath & Body Works Aromatherapy Body Lotion
Claim your Free Bath & Body Works 2oz Aromatherapy Body Lotion or Body Wash via facebook. Your coupon will be sent directly to your email. Coupon expires 9/23/12.
Friday, September 21, 2012
$4.99 for 4oz Smoked Atlantic Salmon at Whole Foods TODAY ONLY!
Kendall Brook Smoked Atlantic Salmon Naturally smoked over fruitwoods for a sweet flavor. Meets our strict standards for farmed Salmon. (4-oz package)
Reg. $8.99 ea Sale: $4.99 ea You Save: $4 ea
Case discounts may apply. Not combinable with any other offer. While supplies last. Valid in our Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C., Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Ohio, Marlton and Princeton, New Jersey stores.
Reg. $8.99 ea Sale: $4.99 ea You Save: $4 ea
Case discounts may apply. Not combinable with any other offer. While supplies last. Valid in our Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C., Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Ohio, Marlton and Princeton, New Jersey stores.
This is an awesome price! My husband and I like having Bagels and Smoked Salmon for break-fast after Yom Kippur (September 26) What perfect timing for it to go on sale today!
Barilla Pasta at Giant Eagle
This week - Four days only (Thursday Sept. 20 - Sunday Sept. 23) Barilla Pasta is on sale for $.88 a box at Giant Eagle. Unfortunately, there is no coupon, that I know of, that is valid through this time but if you need pasta, this is a great price without coupons!
10lb Russest Potatoes for $1.99
I noticed this sign up when I was at Dave's Market earlier this week!
Take advantage of this 2 day sale this Saturday and Sunday (9/22- 9/23)! 10lb bag Russest Potatoes for $1.99 at Dave's Market (at Severance in Cleveland Heights)
Take advantage of this 2 day sale this Saturday and Sunday (9/22- 9/23)! 10lb bag Russest Potatoes for $1.99 at Dave's Market (at Severance in Cleveland Heights)
25% off at CVS
CVS Extra Care Card Holders, Check you e-mails for a 20% or 25% off coupon you can use through Sunday 9/23/12. If you do not receive these emails, make an account at CVS online and hopefully your e-mails will start coming shortly.
Just FYI: The %off discount coupons come off after all coupons including extra bucks. So if you are making a purchase that you are planning on paying completely with your extra bucks this savings pass will not help you very much.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Free Issue of Bridal Guide
Enjoy 1 free Bridal Guide issue. No strings attached.
You'll never receive a bill. This 1-issue is yours, compliments of
Bridal Guide is for the contemporary bride-to-be
focusing on current trends in fashion, beauty, home design, and
honeymoon travel.
UPDATE: Alive Again! *HOT HOT HOT* FREE 2 year subscription to US Weekly
UPDATE: Alive Again!
Free 2 year subscription to US Weekly. This is offered by Rewards Gold there is no credit card needed and you will not receive a bill.
But... you will need to fill out two surveys with lots questions about soap and deodorant and you also need to refer one friend (I usually refer my husband).
I did this in about 5 minutes so it doesn’t take that long to do.
This won’t last long, I have never seen a free subscription to US Weekly before. It is a very good freebie!
Also Check out FREE subscription to Martha Stewart Living Magazine which is Live Again
Free 2 year subscription to US Weekly. This is offered by Rewards Gold there is no credit card needed and you will not receive a bill.
But... you will need to fill out two surveys with lots questions about soap and deodorant and you also need to refer one friend (I usually refer my husband).
I did this in about 5 minutes so it doesn’t take that long to do.
This won’t last long, I have never seen a free subscription to US Weekly before. It is a very good freebie!
Also Check out FREE subscription to Martha Stewart Living Magazine which is Live Again
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